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Safety and Protection of Minors at VCU

The Protection of Minors Office oversees compliance with the Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus policy

If you have questions about VCU's Protection of Minors policy, please refer to our FAQ, send an email to or call (804) 828-1524. 

Is your VCU unit involved with youth?

Virginia Commonwealth University is committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all individuals in the university community and emphasizes, in particular, the importance of the safety and protection of Minors who participate in University or Non-University Programs.

VCU conducts its operations and maintains its facilities in a manner consistent with its mission of service and access. Programs involving Minors are integral to the university’s dedication to the success and well-being of the community.

If you are involved in a Program on VCU campus that includes Minors, this information applies to you. It is your responsibility to become familiar with and comply with all requirements in the Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus policy.

Also, refer to the Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus policy for details on the minimum requirements for the screening, supervision and training of individuals working with Minors – to ensure their protection, to fulfill our obligations as mandated by law, and to provide the best possible experience for any Minors participating in all university activities on or off campus. 

Have more questions? Consult our FAQs page for answers or call (804) 828-1524.

Safety and Protection of Minors Orientation Sessions

Equity and Access Services can host Orientation sessions for the Safety and Protection of Minors on Campus policy. Orientation is designed for those who are involved in conducting Programs involving Minors. Orientation will provide guidance on how to put the policy into practice and an opportunity to ask questions. This orientation does not take the place of the required online Tier training.

If you would like to set up a department-wide orientation session and you have a minimum of three people interested in attending, please email